.Flash Tutorials.If you access a third-party website mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites.Contents Chapter 1: Basic Tasks: Create a Document.13 Take a tour of the user interface.
14 Change background and Stage size.Chapter 4: Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 3.63 Examine the completed FLA file. 64 Considering your audience.Write a function.103 Write an event handler for the component.Chapter 11: Basic Tasks: Create a Presentation with Screens (Flash Professional Only).
135 Set up your workspace.Chapter 15: Creating Graphics: Applying Gradients.177 Examine the completed FLA file. 179 Open the starter document.Chapter 19: ActionScript: Write Scripts.225 Set up your workspace.226 Create an instance of a symbol.(Flash Professional Only). 269 Chapter 24: Data Integration: Using the Macromedia Tips Web Service (Flash Professional Only).Contents.Introduction This part of Flash Help includes several step-by-step tutorials, designed to teach you the fundamentals of Flash. Macromedia recommends that you go through the lessons using the sample files provided. The path to the sample file is provided in each lesson.Introduction.Document You’re about to experience the power of Macromedia Flash Basic 8 and Macromedia Flash Professional 8. You’ll see how, in a few minutes, you can create a compelling web experience that combines video, text, graphics, and media control behaviors.To open your start file, in Flash select File Open and navigate to the file: In Windows, browse to boot driveProgram FilesMacromediaFlash 8Samples and TutorialsTutorial AssetsBasic TasksCreate a Document and double-click documentstart.fla. On the Macintosh, browse to Macintosh HD/Applications/ Macromedia Flash 8/Samples and Tutorials/Tutorial Assets/Basic Tasks/Create a Document and double-click documentstart.fla.Select panel sets and arrange panels The Default Workspace Layout panel set arranges your workspace in a way that facilitates taking lessons.
You’ll use this layout for all lessons that you take in Flash. Select Window Workspace Layout Default.
You can move panels around, and resize them, as follows: You can undock a panel by clicking the upper-left corner of the panel, in the title bar, and dragging the panel to another location in.Undo changes Flash can undo a series of changes to your document. You’ll undo the artwork that you just created. To see the undo feature in action, first open the History panel (Window Other Panels History). The Pencil tool appears in the panel, because using the tool was your last action.The playhead (the red indicator line) is on Frame 1 in the Timeline.
The keyframes are designated by small circles in the frames, which are filled, indicating there’s content in those frames. You can add a keyframe to a document when you want the Flash content to change in some way in that frame.Change your view of the Stage You can change your view of the Stage without affecting the actual Stage size of your document.
In the Stage View text box, above the right side of the Stage, enter 500%. Then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh). Your view of the Stage enlarges to 500%.Add graphics to the Stage To add library items to your document, you verify that you’re adding the object to the correct layer, and then drag the item from the Library panel to the Stage. In the Timeline, click the Content layer name to select that layer.
With the Selection tool selected, drag the Title movie clip, which contains a bitmap image and vector graphic, from the Library panel to the Stage and align it on top of the gray bar at the top of the Stage that contains.View object properties When you add an object to the Stage, you can select it, and then view and change its properties in the Property inspector. The type of object selected determines which properties appear. For example, if you select a text object (not a text graphic, which you use in this lesson), the Property inspector displays settings such as font, type size, and paragraph formatting, which you can either view or change.In the Play Video dialog box, verify that Relative is selected. Select video, which is the instance name that you gave to the video clip, and click OK. On the Stage, click the Pause movie clip instance to select it. In the Behaviors panel, click Add (+) and select Embedded Video.Use the Movie Explorer to view the document structure The Movie Explorer helps you arrange, locate, and edit media. With its hierarchical tree structure, the Movie Explorer provides information about the organization and flow of a document.
Select Window Movie Explorer. If necessary, enlarge the Movie Explorer to view the tree structure within the pane.Test the document As you author a document, you should save and test it frequently to ensure the Flash content plays as expected.
When you test the SWF file, click the video control buttons to see if the video stops, plays, and rewinds as expected.View object properties Add video control behaviors Use the Movie Explorer to view the document structure Test the document Find help To learn more about Flash, take another lesson. Basic Tasks: Create a Document.This is Part 1 of a three-part tutorial on how to build a simple animated banner in Flash and add it to a web page using Macromedia Dreamweaver. You'll learn how to create a file and modify its settings, import and add graphics to the Stage from the library, and create layers in Part 1.In Part 1 of this tutorial, you will complete the following tasks: Examine the completed FLA file.27 Creating a new document.In Windows: boot driveProgram FilesMacromediaFlash 8Samples and TutorialsTutorial AssetsBasic TasksFlashBanner. On the Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Applications/Macromedia Flash 8/ Samples and Tutorials/Tutorial Assets/Basic Tasks/FlashBanner/. Copy the FlashBanner folder to another location on your hard disk to which you have access. Inside this folder are three directories for each part of this tutorial: Part1, Part2, and Part3.Review the completed FLA file In the completed FLA file, you will see the structure that makes up the finished SWF file for Part 1 of this tutorial.
The application, a Flash banner for a gnome website, looks like this at the end of Part 1: The completed banner at the end of Part 1.SWF files. SWF files are the files that you can put online when you embed it in a web page. The Macromedia Flash Player plug-in then displays the SWF file, so your website visitors can view or interact with the content.Click Flash Document from the Create New column on the Start Page to create a blank document. If Flash doesn’t display the Start Page (the feature might have been disabled earlier if you share a computer) you can select File New from the main menu to create a new document.Around the Stage you see a variety of panels.
The panel on the left is called the Tools panel (see the following figure). This panel includes tools you can use to create and modify documents, such as tools you use to draw and make selections.Bureau's page on Interactive Marketing Units at www.iab.net/ standards/adunits.asp. You can also create banners from a Macromedia template by selecting File New from the main menu. Select the Templates tab and select the Advertising category. Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 1.Click OK when you finish entering the new dimensions to return to the authoring environment. When you return to the authoring environment, notice how the dimensions of your document change.
You can also change the current document's background color and frame rate directly in the Property inspector, without going to the Document Properties dialog box.You'll see the Import dialog box (see the following figure), which enables you to browse to the file you want to import. Browse to the folder on your hard disk that contains an image to import into your Flash document. Navigate to the directory where you saved the tutorial’s source files, and locate the bitmap image saved in the FlashBanner/Part1 directory.Click the Selection tool, and select the instance on the Stage. If you look at the Property inspector you'll notice that you can modify the image's width and height, as well as the image's X and Y position on the Stage.
When you select an object on the Stage, you can see and modify the current coordinates in the Property inspector (see the following figure).Setting new coordinates moves the upper-left corner of the image to the upper-left corner of the Stage. You can drag the bitmap image around the Stage using the Selection tool instead of changing coordinates in the Property inspector. Use the Property inspector when you need to set a specific position for an object, like you did in this step.In this section, you will complete the following tasks: “Creating a new layer” on page 38 “Importing to a layer” on page 39 Select Layer 1 in the Timeline and click the dot below the lock icon, as shown in the following figure. Lock a layer so its contents aren’t accidentily moved or deleted from the Stage.Creating a new layer In just about any Flash project where you use imported graphics and animation, you'll need to create at least a few layers. You need to separate certain elements onto their own layers, particularly when you start to animate objects.Importing to a layer In an earlier exercise, “Importing graphics”, you imported the gnome.png image directly into the document's library.
Then you dragged the image onto a selected layer on the Stage. You can also import assets directly to the Stage instead of into the library.Move the star.png file on the Stage to just above the gnome's head in the image, as shown in the following figure. Move the star.png image just above the gnome’s head. Select File Save to save your document before moving on to “Test the application”.Click the close button of the window that contains the SWF file to return to the authoring environment.
Find the folder on your hard disk where you saved banner.fla at the beginning of this tutorial in “Creating a new document”. When you open this folder, you should see an additional SWF file called banner.swf.Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 1.Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 2 Welcome to Part 2 of this three-part introduction to Macromedia Flash Basic 8 or Macromedia Flash Professional 8. You successfully completed Part 1 of this tutorial, where you created, set up, and imported content into an FLA file.On most computers, you will find the Flash Banner tutorial folder in the following locations: In Windows: boot driveProgram FilesMacromediaFlash 8Samples and TutorialsTutorial AssetsBasic TasksFlashBanner. On the Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Applications/Macromedia Flash 8/ Samples and Tutorials/Tutorial Assets/Basic Tasks/FlashBanner/. Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 2.Copy the FlashBanner folder to another location on your hard disk to which you have access.
Inside this folder are three directories for each part of this tutorial: Part1, Part2, and Part3. In the FlashBanner/Part2 folder, you will find a Flash file called banner2complete.fla. Double-click the file to open it in Flash.This file contains an animation in a movie clip, text, an invisible button, and the assets that you imported in Part 1 of this tutorial.
The movie clip instance contains a graphical instance that you animate. Text fields contain static, stylized text that you display on the Stage. The invisible button covers the entire Stage, and it lets your visitors click the banner and open a new web site.You can add any of these types of text using the Text tool. For this exercise, you will add some static text to the Stage for decorative purposes. To add static text, follow these steps: Open the banner.fla file you created in Part 1 of this tutorial, and rename the file banner2.fla.When you finish, the text should be similar in size and in position to the text in the following figure. Add some static text to the banner. Select any font you want to use.
Select the Text tool again, and type Underpaid? Below the text you added previously.Creating a symbol A symbol is an object that you create in Flash.
As you discovered in Part 1, a symbol can be a graphic, button, or movie clip, and you can then reuse it throughout the current FLA or other FLA files. Any symbol that you create is automatically added to the document's library (Window.Use the Convert to Symbol dialog box to convert selected content into a symbol, give it a name, and click OK (shown above) add it to the document’s library. You might see a smaller dialog box without the advanced linkage and source information when you convert a symbol. Select the Movie clip option, and click OK.Adding animation to a timeline You have already used the Timeline in Part 1 of this tutorial (“Basic Tasks: Creating a banner, Part 1” on page 25) to insert new layers and add content onto those layers.
In Part 1 you added assets to a frame on the Timeline.Double-click the join us symbol instance on the Stage. This opens the symbol in symbol-editing mode (see the following figure). In this mode, you see the movie clip symbol's timeline, which runs independently of the timeline for the main FLA file (the one you saw before double-clicking the symbol).Scene 1 refers to the main timeline of the FLA file. You can click this button on the edit bar to return to the main timeline. The names after it point to the symbol that you're editing. If the symbol is nested within other symbols, this path might contain several names.Change the slider value to 75% (see the following figure).
Change the brightness of the movie clip instance. The brightness changes for the instance on Frame 15. The instances on Frames 1 and 30 do not change. This means that you can now add a motion tween that animates the brightness value between Frames 1 and 15, and then from Frames 15 to 30.You can create several kinds of animation in an FLA file, such as motion tweens, shape tweens, and frame-by-frame animation.
In this tutorial, you will create a motion tween. A motion tween is an animation where you define properties such as position, size, and rotation for an instance at one point in time, and then you change those properties at another point in time.Select Control Test Movie. A quicker way to test your SWF file is to use keyboard shortcuts. Press Control + Enter (Windows) or Command + Return (Macintosh) to test the file The test environment opens where you can see the animation. Notice how it loops, appearing to fade in and out because of the change in brightness.Select No Color, as shown in the following figure. Doing so disables the rectangle's outline. Select No Color for the stroke color control.
Drag the mouse diagonally across the Stage to create a rectangle. The size of the rectangle does not matter—you'll resize it later using the Property inspector.Double-click the new button on the Stage to enter the Symbol-editing mode. The rectangle is currently on the first Up frame of the button you created.
This is the Up state of the button—what users see when the button sits on the Stage. Instead, you want the button not to have anything visible on the Stage.Writing simple actions You need to add some simple ActionScript to your banner in order for the invisible button to open a website or send information about how many clicks the banner has received. There are several different places you can add ActionScript in a Flash document.Before you add the code, you need to give the button a unique instance name.
The instance name enables you to target the button with ActionScript code. If you don't name the button, your code doesn't have a way of targeting the button from the timeline. The first step is to assign the invisible button an instance name, and then you add code that targets that button using its name.Select File Save to save your progress before moving on.
After you finish saving the file, proceed to the following exercise, “Test application”. Test the application Now you have a Flash banner, with graphics and animation, which also reacts to button clicks. You have completed your first interactive and animated Flash document.Summary Congratulations for completing the next step of creating a banner in Flash. You used the Flash authoring tool to add text, create symbols, animate on a timeline, and add interactivity to your application. In Part 2 of this tutorial, you learned how to use the Flash workspace to accomplish the following tasks: Create text.This is Part 3 of a three-part article on how to build a simple animated banner in Macromedia Flash Basic 8 or Macromedia Flash Professional 8, and add it to a web page using Macromedia Dreamweaver. In this final part, you learn about file size, banner standards, how to set publish settings, how to add the banner to a Dreamweaver web page, and how to add Macromedia Flash Player detection.The tutorial workflow includes the following tasks: “Examine the completed FLA file” on page 64 lets you view the completed Flash document for Part 3. “Checking your publish settings” on page 68 shows you how to check and modify your publish settings before you compile the finished banner.In Windows: boot driveProgram FilesMacromediaFlash 8Samples and TutorialsTutorial AssetsBasic TasksFlashBanner.
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On the Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Applications/Macromedia Flash 8/ Samples and Tutorials/Tutorial Assets/Basic Tasks/FlashBanner/. Copy the FlashBanner folder to another location on your hard disk to which you have access. Inside this folder are three directories for each part of this tutorial: Part1, Part2, and Part3.Review the completed project In the completed project, you will see the structure that makes up the finished project for Part 3 of this tutorial. The application, a Flash banner inserted into an HTML page for a gnome website, looks like this at the end of Part 3: The completed banner for Part 3 By the end of Part 3 of this tutorial, you will add the banner that you.Considering your audience When you create a site, you often need to follow certain guidelines for submitting a Flash banner. For the purposes of this article, following established advertising guidelines is not a great concern because you're not submitting the banner to a company for advertising purposes. This section briefly explores some of the considerations you might have when creating a banner in a real-life project, or a project for wide distribution.The purpose of this article is understand how to create Flash content, export it from Flash, and add it to your own website.
The lesson to draw from considering banner guidelines is that you need to consider your audience. Whenever you create a Flash site, think about the kind of people who will see the content—much like when you create any website.In earlier parts of this tutorial, you made changes in the Document Settings dialog box. You set the dimensions and frame rate (fps) for the SWF file. In this final section, you will make sure that the Flash Player setting you want to target is correct, and that you export the files you need. Many Flash developers make these settings when they start the FLA file, because they are aware of what they need to output and target.In the Options section, select Compress movie. You do not need to make any other selections on the Flash tab.
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When you finish, click OK to accept the changes to your document. Select File Publish when you have finished editing your FLA file. This publishes the SWF file to the directory where you saved the SWF file.Inserting Flash on a Dreamweaver site You might have a web page already created for a banner. We have created a page for you to use for the purposes of this exercise, which is ready to have a banner of this size placed on it. Make sure that you have the FlashBanner/Part3 directory available (see “Open the finished project”), and find the website folder inside this.This is where you want to add the Flash banner to the website. Select the large image placeholder on the right side of the web page in Dreamweaver. Notice that the dimensions are the same as your banner file.
Press the Backspace or Delete key to delete the image. Leave the text selection pointer at that position in the HTML document.Using roundtrip editing By now, you might want to change something in your Flash banner. Say you want to change the frame rate, or add some more text.

It's easy to return to Flash to edit the document from Dreamweaver. In gnome.html, select the SWF file in Design view (where you see the layout of the page below the HTML code), and then open the Property inspector (Window.Flash Player visits your site. When you have a site that uses Flash primarily for functionality, you might want to send that user to a custom page that links to the Macromedia site, where the user can download the player.Select the Always go to first URL if detection is not possible option. When selected, this option effectively means 'assume that the visitor has the plug-in, unless the browser explicitly indicates that the plug-in is not present.' Because you add an alternate ad for visitors without the plug-in, this option is preferable for this exercise.Test the application Now you have a Flash banner, with graphics and animation, which also reacts to button clicks. You have completed your first interactive and animated Flash document, and then you inserted it into a website using Dreamweaver.
Let's take a look at the banner in action, within a browser window.Summary Now you have completed your first Flash site and inserted it into a Dreamweaver web page. You have learned how to create a new file, import content, create new assets in Flash, add simple animation and ActionScript, and publish your work for the web.
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Flash Professional 8 constitutes a leap in the evolutionary chain for Macromedia’s Web video and animation authoring program; it provides significant enhancements in scripting, graphical effects, Web-video display, and development of media destined for mobile devices.